Oil & Gas Lost-in-Hole
Specialized Drilling Equipment

American Eagle Underwriting Managers is a bespoke global insurance program administrator and brokerage that specializes in the placement of hard-to place risks with domestic carrier partners.

As a wholesale broker and Lloyd’s of London coverholder for over 35 years, we strive to find the right solutions for our clients by creating new and innovative insurance products.
LOST-IN-HOLE - Specialized Drilling Equipment Coverage
- A+ Rated Security
- Flexible Coverage Terms
- Multiple Coverage Options
- Partial Deposit Payment Available.
- Lost In Hole Application
- Equipment Schedule
- Drilling Schedule
This document provides sample coverage and is provided for illustrative purposes only. Coverages and pricing will differ in availability by state, carrier, and class. All coverages are individually underwritten. For a complete description of all coverages, terms, conditions, and/or limitations refer to the insurance policy. American Eagle Underwriting Managers (AEUM) is a wholly owned subsidiary of Mission Underwriting Holdings, LLC.
AEUM is a licensed insurance agency, NPN 2898833 that sells various property and casualty insurance. AEUM does business in California as American EUMS Insurance Services License #6011625, in Nevada as American Eagle Specialty Risk Managers, in New York as American Eagle Specialty Risk Managers, and in Utah as American Eagle Specialty Risk Managers. For a full list of licenses, visit aeums.com